DCC 37/2007/2

This case involved whether the correct evidential procedures had been used to confirm the validity of a customary document signed by a deceased person.


On 5/1/1992, the Plaintiff participated with a family member of the Respondents in the real estate trade and paid them 300000 AED in shares in the trade and received a receipt of payment. The profits of this share up until 22-7-1996 were estimated at 300000 AED.

He also paid him 200,000 AED. It was agreed between them that the family member would waive half the building for the Plaintiff, and 1 million AED included 800,000 AED of the total debt of the family member and profits. They would collect the half of the building due to the Plaintiff up until the end of 2002 and the rest of the amount which was 200,000 AED.

The agreement included all the facts mentioned above and was signed by the parties.