DCC 36, 39/2007

This case involved compensation claimed from an insurance company following a road traffic accident where an individual had been killed, and another injured and lost a baby. The key issue was whether the Dubai court had jurisdiction as although the company had been notified in Dubai, their headquarters was Abu Dhabi and the accident had been in Ras al Khaimah.

Background Facts

The Plaintiffs, the heirs of the deceased and the husband of the injured person and the agent for his parents and as one of the heirs, filed suit No. 770/2005 against the insurance company requesting it to pay 1 million AED as compensation and 9% legal interest from the date of the final judgment until the completion of payment. The Plaintiffs explained that the driver a car insured with the Defendant Company hit both their mother and another person causing the death of the first person and serious injuries to the second and the loss of a pregnancy.