DCC 30/2007
Background Facts
An Appellant filed suit No. 53/2006 against the Respondent (insurance Company) before the Dubai Court of First Instance requesting the Court oblige the insurance company to pay 290,000 AED and legal interest of 12% from the date of the claim until full payment. The Plaintiff explained that on 15/7/2005 and while driving a Car owned by the Plaintiff and insured by the Defendant, a car accident happened. The car was totally damaged and the driver of the car died. The Plaintiff demanded the Defendant to pay him a compensation according to the insurance value mentioned in the insurance document which was 290,000 AED, but the insurance company refused.
The Defendant filed an incidental plea requesting the Plaintiff pay 10.661 AED and 12% interest until the completion of payment, which was the value of what it paid to one of the victims who were affected by the accident and what it paid to the municipality of Dubai for the damage caused to the pavement.
Court of First Instance - Decision dated 24/5/2006