DCC 19/2007
An Appellant filed suit No. 850/2005 against the Respondent as the heirs of the deceased requesting 49 / 4.999.621 AED on the basis that the Plaintiff and the deceased owned the property that he bought from his father the deceased under a contract dated 10-11-1982. The deceased was leasing the unit in dispute before his death on 9-1-2005 and was collecting the rent and his share had reached the amount claimed that he deposited in his personal account. After his death, the Plaintiff asked the Defendants to give him this amount from the deceased's succession. All the Defendants agreed but the last Defendant - the minor who was under the custody of his mother, rejected this request.
Court of First Instance - Decision dated 31/5/2006
After the Public Prosecutor's Office submitted a memorandum of opinion, the Court decided not to hear the case before the dispute on the basis that the dispute was settled. The Plaintiff appealed this judgment.