DCC 2/2006

This case involved the calculation of interest on a credit card which had not been paid.

Background Facts

The Defendant owed the bank 26,394,80 AED as a result of his use of a credit card which he obtained from the bank.

Due to the failure of the Defendant to pay for the Plaintiff bank they filed the lawsuit and requested 26,394,80 AED and interest of 24% per annum from the date of the lawsuit until full payment.


Court of first instance | Decision dated 18/12/2004

The court ruled that the Defendant was required to pay the claimed amount to the Plaintiff and 5% interest annually from the date of the claim on 20/10/2004 until the payment was completed

Appeal at Sharjah Court of Appeal |Decision dated 29/06/2005

To amend the appealed judgment in terms of the amount to be 39/4626 instead of 26,394,80 AED and to support it otherwise

Appeal in Cassation before Dubai Court of Cassation