DCC 290/2005

This case involved whether an employee who was given powers to sign contracts for a company could make the company liable if they were being accused of embezzlement with regard to that contract. The case also considered the position of putting forward new evidence when the case had been locked for judgment.


A Respondent company filed the action No 121/2005 against the Defendants demanding they jointly pay 163,450 AED on the basis that under six agreements they had agreed with the First Defendant company through its manager and the Second Defendant, a partner in the company, and the Third Defendant a worker in the company who was qualified to conclude agreements and receive amounts of money from clients, that the company would import fabric from China and Japan and they would supply them to the Plaintiff who paid part of the price in order to get the operation going.

However, the Defendants had not execute their obligations and refused to pay the Plaintiff the amount they had paid which was why the Plaintiff filed the action.


Court of First Instance | Decision taken on 25/04/2005