DCC 283/2005

This case involved claims by an employer against an insurance company for payments it had had to make to an employee involved in a road accident for treatment and salary while they were being treated. A key issue was that the employer had paid more to the employee than was required so the insurance company did not have to pay more than required by law.

Background Facts:

A Respondent filed the action No 337/2003 against the insurance company demanding they pay 212,405 AED with 9% interest annually as of the date the action was filed until payment.

The Plaintiff explained that on 21/08/2002, the driver of the car No 41785 - public transportation - insured at the Defendant company hit a truck No 20493 owned by the Plaintiff and due to the mistake of the car driver who died in the accident there was damage to the Plaintiff's car and his driver was severely injured. As a result, the car had to be scrapped and its value was 110,000 AED and trailer cost 3,000 AED.