DCC 24/25
A Respondent company filed claim No 100/2001 against the Appellant company demanding 564,450,52 AED with legal interest of 12% as of the claim date until payment on the basis that the amount represented the value of 4,588,327, tonne of iron bars which they had supplied under a quote agreed but the company stopped paying the bills from November 1999 to August 2000.
Court of First Instance
The court of first instance appointed an accounting expert and after he deposited his report the Appellant ordered the Respondent to pay 241,771 AED and rejected the rest of the requests.
Court of Appeal - Appeals No 366,379/2002
The Respondent and Appellant lodged the appeals No 366,379/2002. The court decided in appeal No 366/2002 to amend the appealed judgment and ordered the Appellant to pay the Respondent 564,450 AED with 5% default interest as of the date the action was filed on 04/02/2001 until payment instead of 241,771 AED and it rejected the appeal No 379/2002.