DCC 246/2005
A Respondent filed suit No. 97 of 2005 against the Appellant before the Dubai Court of First Instance, requesting the transfer of usufruct rights under a lease contract with the Dubai Government Property Department on Plot No. 124-369 to the Plaintiff or one of his partners and asked if the Defendant refused to do so, he shall pay 10 million AED in compensation for material and moral damages and the loss of the gain that the Plaintiff had suffered.
The Plaintiff explained that he was one of several foreign investors who bought from the Defendant the right to use warehouses owned by him on the plot of land in the industrial area of Al Quoz for 5,500,000 AED. The Plaintiff paid two million AED when signing the contract and agreed with the Defendant that the remaining amount would be paid when the warehouse was handed over and the lease contract was relinquished on behalf of the Plaintiff.