DCC 233, 236 and 253/2005

This case involved an insurance claim for a factory which had gone on fire. Issues included the necessary evidence to prove whether the company was responsible for the fire. Another area considered was the status of banks which were introduced into the litigation who had provided banking facilities to fund the factory.


Under some insurance policies dated 2-4-2003 and ending on 1-4-2004, the Plaintiff company contracted with the Defendant company to insure a factory for a total amount of 81,490,358 dirhams

On 9/8/2003, a fire broke out in the factory, and it, its components and assets were burnt, causing damage equivalent to the insurance value, in addition to a sum of 20 million AED in compensation for loss of profit.

Therefore, the Plaintiff filed the lawsuit against the Defendant for 81,490,358 AED in addition to 20 million AED and legal interest of 12% from the date of the fire ion 9-8-2003 until the completion of payment

During its consideration, the alleged manufacturer entered a number of banks into the issue as beneficiaries of the insurance policy.