DCC 72/2004

This case involved a father's request for custody of his children be changed to allow them to visit him for a month a year in Australia because he had moved there.


A Plaintiff, the father of two children, filed proceedings against his ex-wife seeking rights of limited custody of the children and visitation for one month a year.

The Plaintiff filed the proceedings to consolidate his right of custody before the Dubai Sharia Court under roll (14/2004).

The Plaintiff informed the Court that his place of domicile was no longer Dubai and that he had to move to Australia, but his ex wife was still domiciled in Dubai. Failing to reach agreement with the ex wife, the Plaintiff sought the courts support to allow him limited custody of one month per year of his children, in Australia, as well as access to their academic transcripts.

The Court of First Instance did not allow his request, but rather confirmed that he should have right of visitation to the children, in their home, twice a week as well as access to their academic transcripts.