DCC 67, 147/2005

This case involved whether there was evidence of a credit card holder's agreement to terms and changes in terms of the card.


A Plaintiff bank filed suit No 1522 of 2003 (Commercial) against the Defendant requesting a judgment to oblige them to pay 35916/26 AED and 12% interest from the date of filing the claim until settlement. He stated that his claim was based on the fact that Defendant submitted an application to obtain a credit card (Visa and Mastercard) and had given his consent to the conditions and the agreement for the issuance of the card. However, he failed to make payments which prompted the Bank to file the lawsuit.


Dubai Court of First Instance - Decision No 1522 of 2003

The Court appointed an expert, and after having submitted his report the court re-assigned him to look at the objections of the parties and after the re-submittal of the supplementary report the court ruled to oblige the Defendant to pay to the Plaintiff Bank 19758/96 AED and 12% interest yearly and rejected the remainder of the requests:

Dubai Court of Appeal - Appeal No 761 and 762 of 2004 (Commercial)