DCC 508/2004
Background Facts:
An Appellant Bank filed the action No 112/2003 against the Respondents demanding not to take into account the First Defendant's act in the Second Defendant's share which he received from the deceased's real estates mentioned in clause 5 of the memorandum of action and to take all measures needed to erase the effect of the act and not to take any action with the share until the issuance of a decision in the action.
The Plaintiff stated that he was a creditor to the First Defendant of 24,515,698,81 AED, subject of the execution No 286/1989 and 10,536,002,83 AED subject of the action No 135/2002.
The bank was surprised to know that the First Defendant relinquished his share from an inheritance to his son the Second Defendant which was why he filed the lawsuit.
Dubai Court of First Instance | Decision taken on 17/04/2004
On 17/04/2004, the court decided that the act made by the First Defendant for the benefit of the Second Defendant would not be executed.