DCC 235/2004

This case involved civil liability for amounts covered in a criminal case of embezzlement. A key point was that evidence in the form of a customary document could not be brought for the first time to the court of cassation.

Background Facts

A public post was disqualified by claiming that he was a member of INTERPOL and he had taken over 30,000 AED from the Plaintiff by taking the wrong status which would have fooled the victim and forced him to surrender.

The Plaintiff pleaded guilty before the Criminal Court of requiring the accused to pay him 30,000 AED he had taken for himself and 5,000 AED for temporary compensation for damages suffered by the civil Plaintiff.


Court of first instance | Decision No 513 of 2003

The court held that the Defendant should pay the Plaintiff the amount requested.

Appeal at Sharjah Court of Appeal |Decision dated 10/10/2004

The court held on the nullification of the appealed judgment and the court again require the Defendant to pay the Plaintiff the amount claimed

Appeal in Cassation before Dubai Court of Cassation