DCC 215/2004

This case involved whether it was possible to appeal a decision by an execution judge after the judge had renewed the sentence.


On 09/06/2004, at the Respondent Bank's request, the execution judge issued an order in the execution file No 1960/2003 to detain the Appellant for two weeks to pressure him to execute the judgment issued in the action No 878/2002 which ordered him to pay the bank 3,511,321/43 AED with annual interest rate of 9% as of the judicial demand on 01/10/20025 until payment.


Court of First Instance

After the execution of the order, the execution judge issued two orders on 01/10/2002 and 04/07/2004 to renew his detention for the same period of time.

Court of Appeal - Appeal No 216/2004 | Decision taken on 17/08/2004

The appellant lodged an appeal No 216/2004 against the order issued on 04/07/2004 demanding that it be cancelled and replaced with an order to ban him from travelling on the basis that he was insolvent.

On 17/08/2004, the court decided to drop the right to appeal.

Appeal in Cassation before the Federal Supreme Court