DCC 20/2005

This case involved the rights of a debtor to payments owed by a deceased person and the procedures for getting them.

Background Facts

An Appellant bank filed a lawsuit against the Respondents, as the heirs of the deceased, to obliged them to pay from the estate of their decedent 70 / 1,326,695 AED and interest of 12% per annum from the date of maturity on 10-10-2002.

This amount was the debit balance resulting from a current account in which banking facilities given to the deceased debtor were credited.

Court of first instance | Decision dated 13/04/2004

The Court ordered the Defendants to pay the Plaintiff's bank 93,448,950 AED and interest at 12% from the date of the claim on 5-12-2002 until full payment.

Appeal at Sharjah Court of Appeal |Decision dated 7/12/2004

The court annulled the appealed judgment and rejected the case to be submitted against a person who lacked status.

Appeal in Cassation before Dubai Court of Cassation
