DCC 188/2004

This case involved the amount of compensation owed to the dependents of a man who died in a workplace accident. A key issue was who would be automatically considered dependents. The case also looked at when the timebar should be calculated from as there had been a criminal case and how the compensation should be calculated.


The Plaintiffs, the wife, sons and parents of a worker who died in a workplace accident, proceeded to file proceedings before the Dubai Court of First Instance under roll (619/2002) against two Defendants (the employer of the deceased and his employment agency).

The Plaintiffs explained that during the offloading of a vehicle at the Defendants' premises, the deceased died when steel rods fell on him after he slipped down. The Plaintiffs stated the deceased was never given protective equipment and a helmet, which resulted in the blow having a deadly effect on him.

A criminal case for manslaughter was filed against one of the deceased colleagues, however, the public prosecutor decided that the colleague was not responsible for the accident: and deferred the issue to the Court of First Instance.