DCC 141/2004
An Appellant and the Second Respondent were subjected to trial in criminal case No. 4547 of 2001 under the charge of seizing 21,700,000 AED owned by the First Respondent using fraudulent methods. In the criminal case, the victim claimed temporary compensation. The parties were convicted and the judgment was confirmed by the appeal no. 1410 of 2002, and the appeal in cassation No. 257 of 2002. The Criminal Court referred the matter to the Civil Court where it registered under lawsuit No. 1536 of 2002, in which the First Respondent requested that the Appellant and the Second Respondent be obliged to pay him 231,126,544 AED in addition to the capital of 20 million AED and 12% legal interest from the date of maturity until the completion of payment, as well as one million AED as compensation for the material and moral damage he suffered.
Court of first instance - Decision dated 18/10/2003