DCC 63/2004

This case involved required proof that an individual was the child of a deceased and was entitled to a share in his estate.


The Dubai Court of First Instance issued the Islamic Publication No 36/2003 proving the death of a person and appointing his spouse and his cousin as the sole heirs.

The Plaintiff alleged that she was the daughter of the deceased.

The witnesses of the Defendant declared that the deceased was not able to procreate and that the Plaintiff was his adoptive daughter.

The witnesses of the Plaintiff attested that she wasthe daughter of the deceased who had recognised her and registered her under his name.


First Instance Court of Personal Status of Dubai - Decision No 4 of 2003

The individual rquested the annulment of the Islamic Publication No 36/2003 and that she be included among the heirs of the deceased person as their daughter.

The first instance Court gave half of the estate to the Plaintiff.

Dubai Court of Appeal - Appeal No 260 of 2003

The Court confirmed the appealed judgment.