DCC 48/2004/2
Background Facts
A First Respondent filed suit No. 823 of 2000 before the Dubai Court of First Instance against his divorced wife, the Appellant, requesting the Court to the custody right and to appoint his mother as the custodian of his child. The Plaintiff explained that he was a husband of the Defendant and she gave birth to his child on 2-10-1995 and was divorced on 15-4 -1996. The Plaintiff's child was under the custody of his mother, the Defendant which was decided by case No. 2 of 98. The Third Respondent, the mother of the Defendant, intervened in the lawsuit to be the custodian of the child if the Court decided to take the custody right from the Defendant. The Second Respondent, the mother of the Plaintiff, intervened in the case to be the custodian of the child.
Court of first instance - Decision 1/6/2002