DCC 40/2004
A Plaintiff filed suit No. 375/2003 against the Defendant, her husband, requesting the Court to rule on a non-retractable divorce and oblige the Defendant to pay her dowry of 10,000 AED on the basis of the fact that she was the wife of the Defendant. The Plaintiff gave birth to four children.In December 1996 he married another women, and during the Plaintiff's pregnancy, the Defendant expelled her from the marital home r more than once, and then returned and expelled her again and insulted her and left her in her father's house for more than three years.
Court of first instance - Decision 12/11/2003
On 12-11-2003, the Court referred the case to the investigation to prove the Plaintiff's claim that the damage had been done by the Defendant. After hearing the witnesses of the parties, the Court decided to oblige the Defendant to pay the Plaintiff her dowry of 10,000 AED and reject the request for the divorce. The Plaintiff appealed this judgment.