DCC 357/2004

This case involved whether a company lawyer had guaranteed a loan in their personal capacity.


An Appellant bank filed the action No 227/2002 against the Respondents demanding that they jointly pay 610,948/70 AED with the legal interest rate of 12% as of the date the action was filed until payment on the basis that the Second Defendant, the attorney of the First Defendant received a loan from the bank worth 310,000 AED on 22/04/2001 in the name of the institution he owned and which they sponsored.

The Second Defendant also got a personal loan from the same bank with banking facilities worth 250,000 AED and promised to pay it back by instalments as of 27/05/2001 but the Defendants did not pay the total of the loan which reached 339,845/20 AED and the Second Defendant did not pay for the personal loan which became due at 271,703/50 AED which was why they filed the lawsuit.


Dubai Court of First Instance | Decision taken on 22/09/2002