DCC 190/2003

The original dispute involved a claim for unfair dismissal. The company tried unsuccessfully to argue the court had wrongly asked the employee to swear before the judge twice. The court stated this argument was invalid because modifying the formula of the oath did not mean that the employee had sworn two times.


An employee filed a case against a company and requested the court to order the company to pay him 79100 AED. The employee stated he had worked with the company but was unfairly dismissed. The employee stated the company had refused to pay his dues.

The court refused to hear the case due to the statute of limitations.

The employee appealed the ruling before the court of appeal. After the employee swore before the judge, the court abandoned the appealed ruling and ruled that the company should pay the employee 27997.3 AED and 9% annual interest plus the value of a flight ticket.


The company appealed the ruling before the court of cassation and stated in its grounds of appeal that the ruling had erred in the application of law because the court had asked the employee to swear before the judge two times.