DCC 106/2004, 123/2004

This case involved a claim for unpaid dues including commission by an employee following their dismissal. Key questions involved whether it had been right for a photocopy to be used as evidence to base the judgment on and how an equivalent to an amount in British Pounds should be calculated.


An employee filed a case against a company and requested the court to order the company to pay him 120000 AED and annual interest. The employee stated he had started working with the company on 01/05/1997 and was dismissed on 04/09/2001. The employee stated the company had refused to pay his dues.

The court ruled the company should pay the employee 120000 AED and 9% annual interest.

The company appealed the ruling before the court of appeal and requested the court to order the employee to pay £1200 that he had received from one of their clients. The court changed the appealed ruling and ruled that the company should pay the employee 56406 AED and suspended the company's request.


The employee and the company appealed the ruling before the court of cassation (Appeal No. 106/2004) and (Appeal No. 123/2004).