DCC 271/2003

This case involved amounts owed under an engineering contract. A key issue was whether there was evidence of an assignment of rights. The case also looked at interest on the amount due.


An Appellant filed the action No 872/2001 against the Defendants demanding that they jointly pay 95,990 AED with legal interest as of the date the action was filed until payment on the basis that they concluded with the First Defendant company to do work for a project in Dubai and executed their obligations under the agreement and they owned money which they did not pay and transferred part of it to the Second Defendant company without due right which was why they filed the lawsuit.


Dubai Court of First Instance | Decision taken on 30/12/2002

The court appointed an expert in engineering on 30/07/2001 and after he deposited his report the court decided on 30/12/2002, to reject the action against the Second Defendant, to order the First Defendant to pay the Plaintiff 39,046/78 AED with 9% annual interest rate as of 16/05/2001 until payment.

Court of Appeal - Appeal No 90/2003 | Decision taken on 09/04/2003 | Appealed Judgment Confirmed