DCC 235/2003
A Respondent issued against the Appellant Order No. 4518/2002 to impose a provisional seizure on movables and factory assets and aluminium glass of 1,139,072 AED as well as the funds of the Appellant and another at the banks indicated in the request for seizure.
The Appellant filed a grievance against this matter for violating Article 252(1) of Federal Law No. 11/1992 on the basis that the seizure of the factory was sufficient to ensure the creditor's rights, in addition to the fact that the current account of the petitioner at the bank came from his salary from a job at the Dubai Police, which may not be seized.
Court of first instance - Decision 15/2/2003
The Court of First Instance rejected the grievance. The petitioner appealed this judgment.
Appeal Court - Appeal No. 20/2003 - Decision dated 1/4/2003