DCC 142/2003
An employee filed a case against a company and requested the court to order the company to pay him 225847 AED. The employee stated he had started working with the company in June 2000 and stopped working there on 16/07/2001 after accusations of mismanagement. The employee stated the partial court had found him innocent but the company had refused to reinstate him.
The court ruled that the company should pay the employee 30000 AED.
The employee and the company appealed the ruling before the court of appeal. The court changed the appealed ruling and ruled that the company should pay 35800 AED and the value of a flight ticket.
The company appealed the ruling and stated in its grounds of appeal that the ruling had erred in the application of the law because the company's defence that the employee did not deserve his dues because one year since the due date had already passed.