DCC 8/2002

This case involved a claim for unfair dismissal by an employee who had started working for one hotel, transferred to another hotel and then be dismissed. A key issue was which of the parties should be added to the case. It was confirmed an appeal could not take place for a ruling which did not end the dispute while a case was being considered.


An employee filed a case against a hotel and requested the court order the hotel to pay him 94200 AED, annual interest and the value of a flight ticket. The employee stated he started had started work with the hotel on 26/04/1997 and then gone to work for another hotel but been dismissed from his job. The employee requested the court to add a third defendant (the employer) to the case.

The court rejected the case against the second hotel and the third defendant and ruled the first hotel should pay the employee 22208 AED, annual interest of 9% plus the value of a flight ticket.