DCC 5/2002/1

This case had involved a claim for unpaid dues by an employee who had resigned. The employer tried to argue they had admitted they owed severance pay only and with a letter had proved they had paid other dues. The court stated this argument was invalid because one party cannot use a document that they have issued to argue against the other party.


An employee filed a case against a factory and requested the court order the factory to pay him 34200 AED and annual interest plus the value of a flight ticket. The employee stated that he had started working for the factory in November 1984 and had resigned in May 2001. The employee stated the factory had paid him 8300 AED but had refused to pay the remaining dues.

The court ruled that the factory should pay the employee 34200 AED and annual interest of 9% plus the value of a flight ticket.

The factory appealed the ruling before the court of appeal. The court changed the appealed ruling and ruled the factory should pay the employee 33251.50 AED and annual interest plus the value of a flight ticket.
