DCC 151/2002

This case involved an employee who had received a workplace injury, been dismissed, then re-employed and decided to resign. The key issues were the amounts he was owed. It was confirmed he did not deserve overtime pay as he could not prove he had been assigned by his employers to work at this time. However, he did deserve wages for the period in which he had had sick leave.


An employee filed a case against a company and requested the court order the company to pay him 324533 AED plus 100000 AED in compensation for a workplace injury and 9% annual interest. The employee stated he had started working with the company on 20/02/1997 and he had got ill after working harmful materials in his work. The employee stated the company had stopped him working on 13/10/1999 and he had resigned from his job on 14/10/1999. The employee stated the company had later offered him a job but he had resigned again and the company refused the resignation and had not paid his dues.

The company requested the court to order the employee to pay 210450 AED and annual interest.