DCC 12/2002

This case involved a request by an employee who had resigned for unpaid dues. However, the employer made a counter claim that the employee owed them money. The lower court made a decision on the employee's claim but sent the employer's claim to be investigated. The employee then appealed. A key question was whether these two related cases could be separated in this way. The court stated the elementary court had no right to consider the employee's case before it had issued a ruling on the company's request.


An employee filed a case against a company and requested the court order the company to pay him 140609 AED and annual interest of 9%. The employee stated he had started working for the company on 15/09/1993 and had resigned on 06/01/2001. The employee stated the company had refused to pay his dues.

The company requested the court to order the employee to pay 4000 AED.

The court ruled the company should pay the employee 105850 AED, annual interest of 9% and referred the company's request for investigation.