DCC 52/2001

This case involved a claim by an employee who had been unfairly dismissed for her dues including a flight ticket. The employer tried to argue no flight ticket was due because the employee had been recruited locally. This was not the case as this right was included in the contract of employment.


An employee filed a case against an office and requested the court to order the office to pay her 27684 Dirhams and annual interest. The employee stated she had started working with them as a secretary on 19/02/2000 and had been unfairly dismissed on 19/09/2000. The employee stated the office had refused to pay her salary.

The court ruled the office should pay the employee 12350 AED and annual interest.

The employee and the office appealed the ruling before the court of appeal. The court ruled the office should pay the employee 22350 AED and 9% annual interest.
