DCC 28/2001

The original dispute involved a claim for unfair dismissal by a hotel employee. The employee later tried to add some additional defendants (new investors in the hotel) to the case. The case was rejected because the employee had not gone back to the labour department when these new defendants were added. It was confirmed it was not necessary to go back to the labour department a second time merely to add extra defendants.


An employee filed a case against a hotel and requested the court to order the hotel to pay him 489040 AED and the annual interest. The employee stated he had started working for the hotel on 16/10/1996 and was unfairly dismissed on 29/03/2000. During the procedures the employee requested the court to add some additional defendants (who were new investors in the hotel) to the case.

The court rejected the case because the employee had not made a complaint to the labour department before adding the new defendants.

The employee appealed the ruling before the court of appeal. The court upheld the appealed ruling.
