DCC 152/1997
Whereas in the facts – As established in the contested judgment – the Appellant filed suit No. 172 of 1996 against the Respondent requesting judgment to prove its ownership of the name and trademark (“............ ...... » and to publish the ruling, confiscate and destruct the quantities seized with the Defendant. The Plaintiff explained that it owns the trademark («........ ........... » for clothes and jeans, registered at the Ministry of Trade and Economy under No. 2352 but the Defendant imported quantities of counterfeit products bearing the same trademark, and sold them, which is in violation of the protection guaranteed by Federal Law No. 37/1992.
Court of First Instance.
The Court of First Instance dismissed the case. The Plaintiff appealed this judgment.
Appeal Court – Appeal No. 1397 of 1996 - Decision dated 25/03/2007.
The Appeal Court decided on 25/03/2017 to reject the Appeal and confirm the appealed judgment. The Appellant appealed further.
Appeal before the Dubai Court of Cassation.