BCC 1936/2019

This case involved money owed by some heirs following a ruling as a result of rent generated from property owned by a limited company. The court had ruled the amount owed based on financial statements provided by the heirs.


An institution filed a case against the heirs of a deceased man before the court. The institution requested the court to order the heirs to pay profits which had been generated by a disputed limited company. The institution said that they had filed a previous case against the heirs to pay the rent of property which was owned by the limited company. The institution said that the court at the time ordered the heirs to pay the rent but they had failed to do so.

The heirs filed a case against the institution before the court. They requested the court to order the other heirs to pay 466000 Dinars and validate the decision made by the limited company to pay their entitlements.

The court dismissed the case filed by the heirs. The court ruled that the heirs should pay the institution 686361 Dinars and interest of 2%.