BCC 16/2019
This case involved the evidentiary nature of a settlement document where the employee claimed they had been made to sign a blank document.
An employee filed a case against a company before the court. He requested the court to order the company to pay him compensation and his financial entitlements. He said that he had been illegally dismissed from his job.
The court dismissed the case.
The employee appealed the ruling before the court of appeal. The court upheld the appealed ruling.
The employee appealed the ruling before the court of cassation. He said in his grounds of appeal that the ruling had erred in the application of law. He said that the court had established the ruling on the grounds that he had received all his entitlements according to a settlement document signed with the company. He said that he had signed a blank document and the company exploited this document against him in violation of Article 13 and 31 of Bahrain Decree-Law No. 14/1996.