BCC 494/2015

This case involved a claim by a manager who had been dismissed for his end of service dues including an end of service gratuity and a counter claim by the employer that they had revealed confidential information and attacked them which was rejected. The employee had been wrongly refused an end of service gratuity for being a Bahraini national when he was an Egyptian.


A claimant filed a case before the labour cases department against an employer claiming he was working as manager but the employer had dismissed him without a reason and therefore he was asking for an end of the service gratuity, holiday pay and other requests.

The employer filed a case before the same department against the claimant employee asking him to pay 1000 Dinars in compensation for leaking work secrets and attacking the employer.

The case was referred to the court of first instance and the court ordered the employer to pay the employee 1176,966 Dinars and give him certificate of end of service and interests and dismissed the rest of the claims. The court dismissed the case filed by the employer.