BCC 334/2015

This case involved the right to change names of adults and children which were listed in official records.


Some claimants filed a case before the civil court against the defendants, demanding that they amend the fourth name of the first claimant and his minor children and the second claimant, in their passports, including their birth and identity cards, and register this in the civil records.

The court ordered the defendants to delete the fourth name and to register this in the official records.

The first claimant appealed the ruling before the Court of Appeal, which ruled to uphold the appeal.

The defendants appealed the ruling before the court of cassation, as there was an error in the application of the law and a corruption in reason in the ruling, They had upheld the preliminary ruling to amend the fourth name of the claimant in the official records which was in violation of  Article of Bahrain Decree Law No. 26/2000. which prohibited this, so there were defects in the judgment and this required its reversal.
