BCC 173/2015
This case involved what was the correct legal way to inform a company without headquarters in Bahrain of a case against it.
A bank filed a case against a company before the court. The bank requested the court to order the company to pay $59264410. The bank said that the company had failed to commit to its obligations.
The court ruled that the company should pay the bank the amount.
The company appealed the ruling before the court of cassation. The company said that the they had not been informed with the case through the legal way. The company said that the court published its announcement in the newspaper although the company did not have headquarter sin Bahrain.
The court said that this argument was valid. The court said that Article No. 23 of the Appendix of the Executive Procedures of the Office of the Settlement of Disputes stipulated that if the party did not have a permanent residence in Bahrain, they should be informed of the case though diplomatic channels. The court said that the documents of the case revealed that the court had failed to inform the company in the legal way.