BCC 133/2007

This case involved a request for rent and the eviction of a tenant. The landlord could not argue for the first time before the court of cassation that he had not signed the tenancy agreement.


A landlord filed a case against a tenant before the civil court requesting the tenant to vacate a rented office and pay late rent of 65 Dinars.

The court ruled that the tenant should vacate the rented office and that he should pay the late rent.

The tenant appealed the ruling before the court of appeal. The court dismissed the appealed ruling and dismissed the case.


The landlord appealed the ruling before the court of cassation and said in his grounds of appeal that the ruling had erred in the application of law and had insufficient evidence of causation because the court had established its ruling based on the documents provided by the tenant including the tenancy agreement although he denied he signed the mentioned documents.