BCC 91/2006

This case involved a claim by an employee for unfair dismissal, compensation and dues. The court rejected the claim based on the existence of a reconciliation agreement between the parties.


An employee made a complaint against an employer before the Ministry of Labour claiming that he was working for the employer and they unfairly dismissed him. The Ministry referred the case to the court.

The employer provided the court with a reconciliation agreement which had been reached between the two parties.

The court ruled that the dispute had finished with the reconciliation.

The employee appealed the ruling before the court of appeal. The court upheld the appealed ruling.


The employee appealed the ruling before the court of cassation and said in his grounds of appeal that the ruling had violated the law because the court did not rule that he deserved compensation for unfair dismissal and a travel ticket.

The court said that this argument was invalid because the court had established its ruling based on the reconciliation agreement reached between the two parties and so the request by the employee should be deemed unproductive.

The court dismissed the appeal.